Integrated Health Care Clinic

Integrated Health Care Clinic Energetic Testing

Integrated Health Care Clinic offers a wide spectrum of alternative health care services including Energetic Testing.

Energetic Testing

There are various methods of energetic testing available at IHC.  A typical visit often incorporates muscle testing using samples in vials containing homeopathic preparations of pathological organisms (nosodes), metals, environmental and industrial chemicals and a variety of foods that can “expose” a sensitivity, toxicity, infection or inflammation site underlying the presenting condition.

A few examples are mercury toxicity leading to fatigue, "leaky gut" and neurological symptoms. Food sensitivities can lead to skin conditons, "leaky gut," mental/emotional disorders and multiple autoimmune conditions.

If the inflamed and over porous intestinal tract or resident toxic accumulation is not addressed, patching up the eczema with natural products or administering herbs for a respiratory infection secondary to a dairy allergy will be temporary at best.

We have to investigate the underlying cause, address it and reverse that path to allow a return to health. As discussed in Applied Kinesiology and found as a common thread throughout the website – the structural, chemical and mental/emotional aspects of the being can all be part of the problem and part of the correction.

There are computer energetic medicine biofeedback programs that give readings of a patient's imbalances. We have several that are used to gaining the full picture of one's level of health and function.

Call us at 303-652-6475, or email for more information or to set an appointment.

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